20 Year Celebration Coffee Table Book

Firstly, would like to sincerely apologise for the delay in getting the Rainbow 20th anniversary coffee table book to you. Going through around 10,000 photos spanning 20 years has simply been a mammoth effort. This is the first time we’ve ever done anything like this and we quite simply underestimated how long it was going to take to get it right. We only get one chance to do this and we want it to be the best coffee table book it can be!
The good news is everything is finished and the delivery has finally arrived.
You will have recently received a message from us with your registered details on it.
1) If you have already paid for your book, please confirm the delivery address details and email them along with a copy of your receipt to shop@rainbowserpent.net
2) If you are still to pay for your order, please contact shop@rainbowserpent.net and Heidi will assist you in completing your payment.